So I've been lazy


Yeah, so the plan was to occasionally write some posts here. But of course that never happened. I've been more busy with actual coding, doing that is just way more fun. So I might as well show those off here.


This is the main project I've been working for like half a year now. It's a self hosted and open source clone of Imgur. The need for this arose whilst making this website actually. I wanted to just quickly host some images for it and could not find any good self hosted alternatives. So I decided to make my own. Right now it supports uploading and converting images to many formats. And I'm currently working on getting the image gallery working.

If you wish to give it a try, you can find the source code on Github.


Sadly this is also now becoming a bigger part of my life, since I started my intership this summer. I'm currently having my internship at Triple as a .NET backend developer. Right now I'm mostly working with Umbraco, and thats quite a challenge. But I'm learning a lot, so that's good.

Other stuff

There hasn't really been a lot of other stuff happening, and I'll probably not make another post for the next half year. But hey, atleast you have this one.
